Un New-Yorkais invente le trafic de drogue social. Marijuana doesn't help disaster victims.Money and supplies do



Un New-Yorkais invente le trafic de drogue social
Touché par la détresse de ses voisins, un dealer a décidé de garder un pourcentage de ses bénéfices pour aider les sinistrés de Sandy. Une opération humanitaire... et commerciale.

Olivier Laffargue

Le 16/11/2012 à 19:04

"Avant, je faisais ce travail sans me poser de questions. Maintenant, j’ai l’impression qu’il a un sens." Ce témoignage plein d’altruisme ne provient pas d’un quelconque travailleur social mais d’un dealer de cannabis new-yorkais. Depuis qu’il a décidé d’offrir un pourcentage de ses ventes aux sinistrés de Sandy, son téléphone ne cesse de sonner.

Ce sont les journalistes du Huffington Post Crime qui ont recueilli, sous couvert d’anonymat, le témoignage de ce dealer au grand cœur. Depuis le début de sa petite opération, il aurait recueilli 700 dollars au profit des familles en difficulté de Breezy Point, dans le Queens, où les habitants n’ont toujours pas l’électricité et 80 maisons ont été inondées ou incendiées.

"Quelque chose de concret"

Les journalistes qui l’ont écouté ont vérifié : il a bien acheté une cinquantaine de couvertures en laine pour ses voisins privés d’électricité. Selon lui, il aurait récolté 1.400 dollars, dont la moitié servira à fournir aux nécessiteux des repas chauds ou autres biens de première nécessité.

Comment a-t-il inventé le trafic à visée humanitaire ? Il est tout simplement à l’écoute de sa clientèle : "Peut-être bien qu'au Rockaways il y a des gens qui voudraient acheter de la marijuana, mais cela ne va pas les aider à trouver de quoi s'habiller, ni à se nourrir, a-t-il expliqué. Pour les aider, j'avais besoin de transformer l'argent que je gagnais en quelque chose de concret que je pourrais partager avec eux."

Outre la part "sociale" de son petit commerce, l’homme s’est engagé auprès des organisations caritatives régulières pour donner un coup de main. Mais le cannabis social n’a pas profité qu’aux sinistrés : "Oui, j'ai gagné un peu plus d'argent que d'habitude, a-t-il déclaré. Mais mes clients feraient de toute façon le plein d'herbe." La boucle est bouclée.



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Marijuana Dealer Donates Proceeds To Hurricane Sandy Victims
Posted: 11/14/2012 1:56 pm EST Updated: 11/16/2012 12:26 pm EST

Marijuana doesn't help disaster victims.

Money and supplies do.

It's a simple connection made by a pot dealer in Brooklyn, N.Y., who donated half of his proceeds made over two days last week to victims of Hurricane Sandy. He spoke to HuffPost Crime on the condition of anonymity.

The dealer said he didn't care about the implications of turning drug money into supplies for victims in the Rockaways, N.Y., some of whom are still without power. He just wanted to help out, and raised $700 for the cause.

"Look, there are probably some people down there [in the Rockaways] who want some marijuana -- but that's not going to clothe and feed them," he said. "So in order for me to help, I needed to turn what I do into something concrete that I could give to them."

The college-educated weed dealer said he saw the devastation in Breezy Point -- where some 80 homes flooded and burned to the ground -- and decided it was time to make some green for the victims. He alerted his clientele last Monday that he would be donating, and the calls started coming in.

He's no Pablo Escobar, but the dealer claims he did make $1,400 in those two days, amounting to $700 that will go toward hot meals, diapers, formula, clean water and other supplies that people on the Rockaway Peninsula still desperately need. HuffPost Crime confirmed that he bought 50 wool blankets that will likely go to residents who are still without power.

"Yes, I made a little extra money for myself those two days," he told HuffPost Crime. "But [my clients] are getting something they'd already get anyway. I was going to work regardless, and now I felt like I was doing it with purpose ... I'm not doing what I do in order to get rich or create some super marijuana empire. I'm trying to help, and this is my job."
When he's not operating Nuggets for the Needy, the Brooklyn dealer says he's been throwing on boots and helping to transport relief goods -- and not the THC kind -- around south Brooklyn and Queens.

Organizations such as Lava Girl Surf and Rockaway Beach Club have erected impromptu relief centers and are literally peddling much-needed items to affected areas. More than 1,000 volunteers helped clean out homes and deliver supplies over the weekend for those two organizations alone, according to Lava Girl Surf's Facebook page.

Meanwhile, residents of the Rockaway Peninsula are still suffering, some still without electricity and many looking for answers after Sandy and a subsequent Nor'easter destroyed their homes.

For those who'd like to help out in Sandy's aftermath, there are plenty of options. People across New York and New Jersey still need supplies, and The Huffington Post has compiled a list of drop-off centers and charities for anyone who wants to assist. Click here for a (legally sound) list of charity options.



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