DARE abandonne sa bullshit, mensongère, insensée, dangereuse, de désinformation concernant le cannabis



DARE to drop the marijuana curriculum
DareNovember 8, 2012By: David Joseph
Most of us growing up since the 80's remember the harmful drug curriculum taught to us by the local DARE officer in school, and the lengthy segment spent on warning us about the dangers of marijuana. But now it appears that DARE is about to drop the nonsense anti-propaganda surrounding cannabis to spend more time on real hardcore drugs.

Tokeoftown.com reported that of students from the Sunset View Elementary DARE program in Kennewick, Washington, will be among the last to be taught about the dangers of marijuana. The DARE curriculum on cannabis has been proved to cause more harm then good, which shadows the failures of the war on drugs.

Much of the information provided to children about marijuana through the program is found to be inaccurate, one-sided and students are missing the information regarding its medical uses, the big picture. Students are becoming wiser with every generation and some fear that the dishonesty surrounding the marijuana content will lead children into believing there is dishonesty being taught about very real harmful drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

DARE Officer Mike Meyer has spent plenty of time teaching the dangers of marijuana to his students in Kennewick. He announced recently that next years program will be more focused on these hard drugs rather then cannabis, ending the misinformation era on marijuana education.

"The new curriculum starts as of December for us here in Kennewick. It doesn't bring up the subject of marijuana at all" said Meyer

A study performed at the University of Illinois has found that some high school students who attended DARE classes were more likely to use drugs then those who have not been apart of DARE.

Lying about a substance to keep our children off of drugs will always backfire. Misinformation is a sure way to create self-esteem issues and force our kids into substance abuse.

David Joseph


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