Letter: Authorities need lesson on cannabis. They have been indoctrinated by their system/agenda with lies and so much propaganda regarding the cannabis plant.
Letter: Authorities need lesson on cannabis. They have been indoctrinated by their system/agenda with lies and so much propaganda regarding the cannabis plant.
Letter: Authorities need lesson on cannabis
Kamloops This Week
May 20, 2018 11:57 AM
I don’t believe our tax dollars are being well spent by having Mounties raid the Canna Clinic marijuana store in Dufferin.
Why are the authorities still determined to think about cannabis as a bad drug and a problem when it will soon be legal and is now legal as a medication?
I believe it would be a good thing to pay for the RCMP to have some education on cannabis. The history of this remarkable plant should be understood by those who who have been indoctrinated by their system/agenda with lies and so much propaganda regarding the cannabis plant.
We could save the planet with the plant as it is a renewable resource, grows anywhere, has many uses and could replace toxic byproducts used now to make plastics, nylons, rubbers, etc. Marijuana’s use is endless and it is non-toxic.
Please educate the ignorant public and ignorant RCMP as to the many uses of the plant and its history. Big Oil, among others, paid off many to demonize the plant and it is is crime in itself that these people know nothing about its history and how all of these lies came about to keep it illegal in the first place.
There are plenty of crack shacks in Kamloops that need raiding, but they are the real criminals and they could have guns, so they are not bothered. What is the excuse for this?
Denise Powers
© 2018 Kamloops This Week
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